SCRAPBOOK ANSWERS we have our own page! looks so good!
i was in Archivers today and was looking for the magazine, just to see if they had it. but i couldn't see it anywhere. so i asked the lady working if they had it, and would you believe she had never heard of this amazing magazine! how dare she? ha ha so i made sure to tell her all about it. by the way... michelle, thanks for keeping sba up front and center! good work! ha ha michelle was at the grocery store the other day and noticed the scrapbook answers mag. was hidden so she rearranged the newsstand by lining several sba magazines across the front row! ha ha ha!!!
don't have much else to chat about...other than it was 75 degrees here today. nanana booboo~! :) absolutely beautiful! i better not get too cocky....when it's 100 degrees here and 90% humidity and a perfect 70 degrees in Ak i'll be wishin' i was there!
thought i'd share this layout i did a few weeks ago. this is lauren and her cousin sydney @ the pool. (dah) i bet you thought they were bowling!
I love this layout! And enough about the weather now, ok?!! ;) Just kidding. We just got a whole dump of snow so I'm house bound for a bit.
Funny story about Michelle re-arranging the magazines - LOL! - I love that!!
Whoohoo! Your mug is on the SBA website!! Very cool. And what a cute layout. Love the title treatment. :)
Love the layout, very cute! Yah, we got another 3 inches of nice fluffy snow last night, ugh!! I guess it could have been worse, so I won't complain. the temperatures have been pretty nice the last couple of days, so hopefully this stuff will start melting soon. Sydney is already talking about coming down and staying with you again this summer. Chat with you soon ;)
it was warm here yesterday too. SO ready for spring!
darling layout, love how you did the title...so cute!
whoops! anonymous is me. trying to type with a wiggly baby in your lap is hard!
dang it, did it again!
love this lo, Kori. The title is wonderful.
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