look at all of these goodies!!! my sweet new friend nichol sent me the package of goodies on your right. she designs for Creative Imaginations (just one of the many design teams she is on!) and had lots of goodies to share. so fun! love everything here. lots of PINK! and the goodies on the left are from Melissa Frances. i applied for their design team back in the fall of 2005. well, i didn't make the team but i did receive honorable mention. i was to receive a box of goodies in the mail as my "prize". but never got it, until thursday of last week. apparently, the box was stashed in their office and the person who was supposed to send it out didn't. what a nice surpise though. i had forgotten all about it. (there were 65 sheets of paper in that box! wow!)

i would have liked to have gotten more accomplished but for some reason i just didn't follow through on that! it was beautiful here so i guess i can use that as my excuse. we spent lots of time outside. i have so many things i should be getting done but i just dred them. going through my daughters clothes is probably my biggest chore and i just keep putting it off.
i have tubs and tubs of clothes to either save for kati or give to charity. i think we're having a garage sale this summer but the thought of pricing all of those clothes is a nightmare. i'd rather give them to those who need it than make 10 bucks!
can you believe the month is almost over! where did march go? it's my sweethearts birthday tomorrow and he's out of town. i think the girls and i will have to make a few signs for when he comes home!
rainy & gloomy today.... maybe i'll actually accomplish something! top priority...hit the tredmill! :) oh, and get my hair highlighted at noon. :)
Oh I hear yah with the reality check! I don't do mirrors, especially with just my underwear on, YIKES!! Not good! Its getting better though, but slowly. I guess which is the best way, right? Bob left this morning for Kansas City, too bad it didn't work out for him and Terry to meet up. Boy I bet it was fun getting all those goodies in the mail! Looks like lots of cool stuff!
Yikes...at least you were brave enough to look! I avoid my "rear view" if at all possible. haha Those CI goodies look so cool! The stores around here just don't carry much CI so I don't keep up with what they're doing. I used to rotate all Sage's clothes down to Maggie, but now there's such a difference in their sizes I don't bother anymore. It'll be forever until Maggie fits Sage's stuff. She's like a little bird. haha Have a great week! Have fun getting your highlights. :)
too funny, kori. only because I about died at my post 3rd baby rear view too....starting the ol' daily 3 mile walk this week...man, I am out of shape!
so glad you like the goodis...I know you'll create something amazing with 'em!
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