hi...i played around last night with some more of jenni's kit....along w/ some heidi swapp...what a great combo that makes! not sure why i'm having such a difficult time scanning my layouts STRAIGHT! i tried 3x's to get that darn layout straight and for the life of me....this was the best it was going to get without something flying across the room. uhg! so again, it's not really crooked. just me being retarded.
this is too funny not to share....when i just wrote about "something flying across the room"....i was taken back to my younger years. my sister and i laugh about this now...but when i was younger i had this thing w/ my hair...if it wasn't perfect... A. i wasn't going anywhere B. everyone in the house was going to know about it! C. don't stand outside of the bathroom door...i was known to launch my hair brush out of the bathroom! it's so funny to me now but man, back then i was anal about my hair. i still have to "do" my hair before i'll go anywhere, or throw on a hat but at least i'm over throwing my hair brush. i've definitely tamed down as i've aged, it's my sister who has taken on some honery mannerisms. ha ha ha!!!
so i go downstairs today to find lauren fixing herself lunch. she's been known to do this before....which is great. i totally commend her for being more self sufficient BUT i'm not sure how healthy a piece of white bread with a glob of honey and sprinkles on top is for you??? i think it lacks some nutritional value! "A" for effort girl!
spent an hour and a half in hobby lobby today. oh good gravy...lots of fun home stuff! not all that great of a scrapbooking dept. but i could have spent at least another hour looking at stuff and probably a couple hundred bucks more....but my budget brought me back to reality!
well, i'm having to find lots of fun little projects for lauren to do today. she got herself grounded for the day. no t.v. and no playing with the neighbors. last night the girls from across the street came over.....well, one of them left early and the oldest stayed to play til 7:30. well, i had kati in the tub by 7:00. got her all cleaned up and let her play for a bit. come to find lauren and lexi w/ their pants pushed up and playing in the water w/ kati. ok, no biggy, whatever.
so it's 7:30 and time for lexi to go...great, her parents are going to wonder why on earth she's all wet! lauren has on underwear and a duck cover-up (towel). that's it....so i told her to just walk lexi to the door and she could get home by herself. what does lauren do....runs her home in bare feet, underwear and her towel. ok, i was worried about what her folks would think of lexi coming home wet....can you imagine what was going through their head when lauren walked in? hello! kid in a towel, wet, no shoes and it's 45 degrees out. apparently lauren's "bell tone" wasn't turned up when i told her to just walk her to the door! KIDS!
Ok, yes I remember the hair brush flying many times out the bathroom door and nearly being hit by it several times! ha ha. I had the girls over last night for wine and eats, lots of fun! But we did get on a conversation about getting scared, and of course I had to elaborate on the times either Joe scared you or the funniest one, was when mom was shaking out the rugs at the back door and you had just gotten out of the shower and thought someone was scratching on the window of the bathroom, and needless to say you came screaming out of the bathroom naked, oh my god we laughed about that one! Yah its kind of funny how you have mellowed, and I have become less impatient especially with certain things! I don't throw my hair brush thou, ha ha maybe a few choice words! I love the layout, very nice, like usual!! I can see Lauren running across the street in her underwear! Too funny!
cute, cute layout!! At first I thought that was Kati! You may not throw your hairbrush anymore, but I bet you still whip a mean paintbrush now and then? lol Just kidding. :) What is it with kids and sprinkles? Man, Sam put them on everything!
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