Well, a lot of you (family) have been wondering about Terry's office. We can finally say, "we see the light at the end of the tunnel!" The men came last night to finish the staining and sealing. The upper portion doesn't really look that dark in real life. I took the photo at 6:30 am so there wasn't enough natural light in the room. The overall color is more like the bottom half. It's beautiful. As it should be, it wasn't cheap! Terry is having a desk custom made to match the wall unit. Surprisingly enough, it was CHEAPER to have one built than to buy. Now we just need to agree on a color. We're thinking a yellow of some sort. I'll have to share photos once it's all done. It will be a nice space for Terry to work. Although, I don't know how "private" it will be. He's been warning the girls already...he tells them there is an imaginary tape line and once the office is complete they can't cross that line. Ya right! I can picture it now....he'll be on a business call and Kati will be on the other side of the French door screaming to get in...
Speaking of Kati...I'm trying to wean her off of her binky. The only time she was allowed to use it is for naps, bed time and in the car. ( I can't drive when she's screaming) So yesterday was Day 1. I cut the tip of the binky off so there really wasn't much left of it. When it was time to take a nap I layed her down and gave her the binky and told her it broken. When I left the room she fused for about 10 min. I could hear her saying, "It broke". But she fell asleep without throwing a huge fit. So bedtime rolls around. Well, that was a whole different ball game. She screamed for an hour!!! I finally gave in and brought her into bed with me (Terry is out of town). She still had her "broken" binky in hand but was content. Probably too content...she talked for 30 minutes. I tried to ignore her by rolling over. Well, I'd feel this little hand scratching my back. It was so cute. I couldn't help but laugh. Long story short....I caved!!! I had a huge headache from smelling the stain fumes all night that I just couldn't listen to her gabbing or crying all night. I found a spare binky (no holes) and put her back into her crib. She was out in seconds. Oh the power of a binky!
Hi Kori!!! I'll be calling you soon with the skinny on the show. I just had to comment here first. Way to go getting this all set up! Looks great. :)
Hi, I'll get this figured out yet! I just e-mailed you and that wasn't what I wanted to do, so skip that! ha ha. Love the cabinet! It turned out beautiful! It will be so nice once everything is done and he can actually work out of that room. Did they say how long it will take to finish the desk? Hopefully not as long as it has taken to get the cabinet done! Can't wait to see it in person! Chat with you later.
Whooa.....that is some office Kori, T will be in it all the time. Good luck to him to keep the girls out. Imaginary line huh? I didn't even know what a blog was till your email. Quick messages.
I will call soon. mil
Whooa.....that is some office Kori, T will be in it all the time. Good luck to him to keep the girls out. Imaginary line huh? I didn't even know what a blog was till your email. Quick messages.
I will call soon. mil
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