i'm not feeling overly inspired to write much about anything today but figured it's been a few days so i should at least post something. not so sure it's a good thing to post when you have nothing to really yack about or to not post at all. we'll see....
the weeks are flying by already. it's hard to believe we're in the 3rd week of june. we've been kept busy with swimming lessons, gymnastics, trips to the pool, trips to the neighbors pool, library visits, bbq's and just this week i joined the gym. i don't know if i have ever been so excited to join a gym. guess that goes to show you how uneventful and exciting my life is. ha ha i guess being a stay at home mom i often times feel as though "my" time is limited and i'm losing a sense of who i am and where i'm headed. i'm hoping my time at the gym will help me to figure this all out. not only losing the 15-20lbs. i'd like to lose and toning up but giving me the "me" time i need. i figure it's a good excuse to find time for myself. my husband can't discourage me for going to the gym, can he? the first day i met w/ a trainer. man, was i sore the next day. day #2 was even worse. but after day #3 i wasn't nearly as sore and by day #4 i was feeling pretty good. so i wasn't in as bad of shape as i thought. ha i'm taking the weekend off from the gym but hittin' it again on monday!
we had an eventful night last night! we went down to a neighbors house for a visit and came home to locked doors and NO keys to get in. kati decided on her way out of the door that comes in from the garage to lock it. i have caught her doing this before but this time i didn't see her lock it nor did i bother to check it. luckily i had my cell phone with me and my neighbor had called a locksmith not that long ago for her car. $70 later....our house is open. scary thing is he opened the dead bolt in about 3 minutes! i didn't think dead bolts were that easy to pick but he said their no more difficult than a regular door knob. comforting. i'm so glad we have an alarm system on our house! helps me to sleep better at night :)
i found a really cool blog today....if you love interior design this is a good one. desire to inspire. i haven't had time to look through the archives but from what i saw it was totally inspiring.
the pictures i added (can't have a post without a picture or two) are just some random shots of the girls. kati at the pool and lauren at the park. the pocket is an assignment we had to do for creative xpress this past month.
have a good weekend!
OMG!!! I love your creations they are so BEAUTIFUL!
Have a nice day!
Bety :)
love the jean pocket creation ... too cute! and "yay you" on the gym! i totally get the whole needing "me time". since i work at home i find that i'm always itching to get out and about ... by myself. lol! we all need something to define who we are.
Cute pictures and the project is also very cute. Locked yourself out, how fun! Did you have to wait long for the locksmith to get there? Kati that little stinker, ha ha.
Love the pocket! YOur girls are adorable!
Aww, the flowers in the jeans pocket is soooo cute!
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