Monday, June 04, 2007

Not so Good!

we just can't get a break! the 3 of us have fought off colds these past few weeks and now poor lauren is having to deal w/ some sort of stomach bug. we've been up since 1:00 am last night, dozing off for maybe 20 min. in between bathroom runs! uh! she is just drained. you know when you get to the point where there just can't be anything left, anywhere! (i know, pleasant post first thing monday morning, right!) ha she only has 2 days of school left and it looks like she'll be missing one of them for sure. i hope she's better by tomorrow, i'd hate for her to miss out on the last day of school.
so anyway, hopefully i'll be back soon with a healthier post! hugs....


Anonymous said...

I hope she is feeling better soon. Not fun especially during the last couple of days of school. Hope you are feeling better too!

jennihaywood said...

ahhhh....I am sorry that things are so tuff at your house. I know there is a lot of junk going around. I hope you feel better. I am going to finally update my blog, it has been a while.

Anonymous said...

really hope she's feeling better. that's so rough on their little bodies. keeping my fingers crossed she makes her last day of school!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, hope she will feel better soon.

Unknown said...

Aww, poor thing. I sure hope that she is feeling better soon. That would be sad for her to miss out on the last day.

Michelle said...

Yikes. That sounds pretty unpleasant for everyone. lol I'm sorry she's sick again.

Shirls said...

awww....hope she gets better soon:)