my adaptar arrived for my scanner so i thought i'd give it a test run....seems to work! so i'll share a few layouts i have done over the past few days....

good morning...just wanted to stop in here and say hi....it's going to be a busy week so i won't have much time to blog.... i'm hosting our Bunco group x-mas ornament exchange on tuesday. i'm really looking forward to it....then on Saturday Terry and I are hosting a holiday party with several neighbors. but in between all of that it's swimming lessons, gymnastics and a girls scouts meeting. oh ya, and an assignments i have to get done and a class to teach on sunday..... i kind of thrive on being crazy busy though. sounds strange huh!
well the photo is our x-mas card this year. taking a family photo just wansn't happening and time was running out. so i plopped the girls in front of the tree and after 10 attempts and threatening to take gifts away if they didn't smile nice (ha ha....no joke, i had to pull out all stops, lauren needed to get to school, so i wasn't playing around.... poor girls... needless to say this is the photo i got after the threat....so they get to keep all of their gifts. ha ha like i really would have taken them away.....) i made another covered candy bar....this one i made using the pink martini papers....i taught a class on saturday and for this class i used the PM papers so i thought it would be fun to do a give away using the papers as well....
so that's that....i had better pull myself together and start my week..... have a good one!
i finally feel like i'm getting some things accomplished and crossed off my list...so i figured i could play a bit... i finished up a few projects i started....the big candy bar is a teachers gift...just wrapped with the pattern paper. so easy and cheap! (my friend michelle made these last year...got the idea from her...thanks michelle) i cut the pencils down with a hand saw and resharpened. i also finished my button ball.....it was cute before it got too many pins on it....now i'm not so sure i like it...but thought i'd share anyway...just another fun idea for an ornament. i really don't have much else to share...i had better get back at it before i get to cozy in this chair! take care.....
hi there...well, we dug ourselves out this morning. i think we only got a few inches of snow so to us that isn't much but when it rains before, during and after snowfall...it's a huge mess. it was so heavy and not to mention it was like chopping a block of ice...i'm pooped and i didn't even help that much. ha
i just wanted to share my ornament i made today. i used the Pink Martini rub ons and the letter rub ons are from doodlebug.....
did some x-mas baking yesterday and today. finished up our traditional sugar cookies w/ royal icing. lauren had fun and of course kati just ate the cookies.
i'm off to make some more ornaments...thought i'd do some cute button balls....
this next layout i used the Jenni Bowlin Nov. kit....i love this kit...the colors are so great. i really like how jenni customizes her kits. she creates something of her own and includes it in the kit. she's been making these journaling cards (not on this layout) that are so cute! i was getting 3 different kits a month but since being put on my budget i have cut back but just can't get rid of this one!
i have a few more classes lined up to teach in Dec. one of which will be this little paper bag
album. lots of fun goodies on the inside....
well, i hope everyone has a great weekend. maybe i'll get my tree put up...we have 2 b-day parties to attend and i'm coming down with a cold so not sure how motivated i'll be....
have you ever noticed (my brother has) how i don't type with capital letters and a lot of times i use 3... in between sentences....so very frustrating to do spell check! ha ha ha have a good one!
i'll post a project and some layouts a bit later....had to get this off my chest first :) have a great week!
Happy Friday to ya! another week zoomed by! crazy how that happens!
did you watch grey's anatomy last night? man, i love that show! but of course i cried like a baby. ha ha
not much new going on....the usual running around...we have a birthday party to go to tonight for a neighbor girl who turned 5. tomorrow is a soccer game and out to dinner with a neighborhood couple.we're both celebrating our wedding anniversaries. we're going to this funky little restaurant in st. louis called Yai Yai's. can hardly wait!
i have a fun little design team secret...i posted it in an earlier entry without realizing it was still supposed to be a secret....so i earased it...i'll be able to share soon, i hope. it's killin' me not to share....this is one i've always wished i could be a part of....
a little Pink Martini plug....amy sent out their new paper lines yesterday along with some cool letter stickers (rubons are late) so the designers get to work on a couple of layouts for their booth at Memory Trends using the new papers, which is in just a few weeks. the papers are so fun! my favorite line in Creamsicle! wish i could show you.....but their still underwraps. their web site is also being updated so if you visit there are several areas that won't open (or at least they didn't for me).
i got the chance to work on a few layouts this week. the green/black layout is created using most of the Jenni Bowlin Sept. kit....i love that pict. of my daughter. and the 2nd layout i have actually scrapped those pictures before but i like them so much i wanted to do something else....i actually did a 3rd layout but i submitted that one so i'll wait and see if SBA picks it up....speaking of Scrapbook Answers....have you seen the holiday issue? lots of fun stuff in there!
have a great weekend! be safe...