finally getting around to updating my blog...it's been a busy 2 weeks. all is well on the home-front. the garage sale was a hit...i feel as though i made enough money to have made all of my efforts worth while. i still have a few boxes in the garage that the salvation army is picking up on friday...but i'm just so relieved it's over. not sure i'll do another one of those for a while!
my dentist appt. wasn't as successful. 1 root canal and 2 possible root canals. ya, not good. the tooth that bothered me was from a previous root canal that the dentist never put a crown on. the cavity cracked and i got an infection...or so they tell me. i'm going to focus on fixing one tooth at a time....i have my parents to thank for my crappy teeth....i guess my sweet tooth probably hasn't helped matters. but they look good. ha ha
here is a layout i finally finished up after 2 weeks of moving it from spot to spot. i just never had time to finish it and when i did get the chance i was in a funk...
so i cranked it out today....i can't get the title page to look straight. it isn't crooked in real life...i swear....
so in the midst of gymnastics, soccer, 4 design teams, weekends packed with going here and there....i signed up for a bible study class with my neighbor. i have never taken a bible study class before so i'm actully pretty excited about it. i am not a super religious person, but i do believe in god and i do say my prayers every night :) the study is called, "how to act right when your spouce acts wrong." ha ha should be a good one! (i'm not pointing the finger at only my husband here.....i often times act "wrong" over certain situations as well) there i said it....just don't tell him i said that....ha ha
this weekend i'm taking the girls to see Monsters Inc. on ice. we're going with our neighbor and her 2 girls as well. i'm praying kati can sit through the show. i'm not sure how long it will last but i think they'll enjoy it!
alright, well project runway is calling my name. love that show....design star was another good one...they'll bring that one back again for sure! or at least i hope so....good night all....
Very nice layouts, love them! Glad to hear the sale went really well. They are a lot of work, so its great when they are successful!! I am thinking of having one in the spring. A bible study! Good for you, I think you will enjoy it! I have done a couple and really enjoyed them and learned a lot. Another design team!! Good job! You deserve it! Hopefully chat with you later! Have a good weekend!
SOrry the dentist thing didn't go well (and that you have to go back!)
But I love your page! The colors are so fun and she is such a cutie!
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