Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Dreading Today! today is the day i have long avoided! but unfortunately i can no longer avoid! i have had a tooth ache for 2 days now!!! i am so not a dentist fact i would much rather give birth than even step foot into a dentist office. i like nothing about the dentist....oh, i take that back...i like how my teeth feel after i have them cleaned! and that would be it! i hate the smell, i hate the drills, i hate novacain, i hate that light that shines over your eye balls, i hate seeing that tray of sharp nasty tools.....there is nothing enjoyable about the friggin' dentist! nothing.... but i simply can not tolerate pain in my mouth affects your whole head and just makes ya feel like off i'll go. i wonder what my blood pressure would be when i walk through the office doors. ha ha i've never been given the gas...but maybe today if they have it i might ask for it.... i'm bringing my i-pod for sure....crank that baby up so it drowns out those darn drills....
other news....just getting ready for our garage sale....i was all prepared until i decided to sell all of the girls old clothes....tubs and tubs of clothes....all of which are pretty nice. i can tell i wasn't on a budget back in those days...all of the clothes are from gymboree or the gap! and they all mix and match and have shoes and hats....
ok, well wish me luck....i'm sure it won't be as bad as i'm making it out to be....hopefully this dentist will let the novacain take affect before drilling....ya, i've had a dentist start rootin' around in there before i'm numb....he hit a nerve and i almost popped him one! i better stop writing about it...i'm getting all worked up again...ha have a good one!


Anonymous said...

Well good luck, I know that feeling! Not my favorite either. I make sure to go every 6 months, hopefully avoiding the much nastier work that might have to be done if I didn't go. I can take a lot of pain, but I'm a big wimp when it comes to the dentist! I'm sure all will go just fine! Good luck on your rummage sale, I'm sure all will go well with that too. I'll probably give you a call on Sunday to see how things went. Chat soon!

Unknown said...

Well, how'd your day go yesterday??
Hope you're feeling better and that it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.

Anonymous said...

thinking of you kori...
hope it went ok.
I don't like the dentist either. I, too, would take childbirth over the dentist (and I have c-section...ha hahahahaha). luckily my dentist now is a family friend and GREAT. I don't mind it near as much anymore.
good luck with the garage sale!