Monday, April 30, 2007

Monday Bloggin'

hi! hope everyone had a great weekend. we had a busy one. terry has been out of town so i'm pulling double duty, again! the weather was absolutely beautiful. which lead to several outdoor chores and activities! one of which called for the use of a really sharp shovel! so i'm at a neighbors house picking up the girls from an afternoon of playing. kati had left her shoes by the sandbox. so we walked over and started putting her shoes on when i kept hearing this hissing and spitting sound and finally saw something more. here, not 12" away from us was a snake!!!! ya, holy crap is right! i hate snakes and spiders of any kind. so i can about imagine if anyone was looking out their window at the time they must have gotten a good laugh! melissa went to the garage and found a shovel and ended up killing it. she hates snakes too, which i could tell by the force she was putting behind the shovel! i was just thinking we could scoop it up and throw it in the pond across the road. i'm sure it wasn't poisonous but the fact that it kept striking at me and hissing was enough to scare the crap out of me. poor kati was just trying to figure out what i was screaming about. ha ha
so i just got an e-mail from Layle Koncar with Scenic Route....remember the duck watching layout i did (a few posts down) i entered into their kraft pattern paper contest and won! yah!!!! so i'm getting another set of their newest papers, stickers etc.... their one of my favorite manufactures, so i'm excited to be getting another set...(i chose the metropolis set this time!)
so by now i'm sure everyone has been to michaels and seen the new martha stewart line! wow! i was so impressed! it's very clean and classic. but she really thought of everything. there are kits for kids, kits for wedding stuff, kits for b-day name it. the packaging is very clean and simple. it's just very well done! i used to be a merchandise manager so i tend to analyze stores when i shop them.
well, only one more week! i think i mentioned it a while back, but terry is taking me to california! the napa area....we plan on visiting a few wineries, having dinner w/ a colleague of his and some other site seeing i'm sure. we're even flying first class! so i've never flown first class before so i had to get that in. ha ha i'm so looking forward to our little getaway! terry's mom is coming to watch the kids. they are so excited for grandma to come! i'm not sure how i feel about grandma spoiling them for 4 days and coming home to, "well, grandma let me do it, or grandma let me have candy!!" ha ha they'll all have a great time! we've never been away from the girls together so i can imagine after 4 days we'll be ready to get back home!
in my earlier post i had mentioned jen and her son joey. joey passed away over the wk. end. jen said it was rather fast and peaceful. he's in gods hands now.
stories like this are just so heart wrenching. and you know their are families and children that go through this every day. reality just sets in when it's someone you know.... god works in mysterious ways....but i bet he has a plan for joey!
sorry no photo today!
have a good week!


Anonymous said...

omg, a snake? i don't think i would be brave enough to get a shovel to get rid of it. i would just

congrats on winning the sr competition:)

jennihaywood said...

Great job Kori on winning the Scenic Route contest. That totally doesn not suprise me though :)! I am so sad to hear about Joey. I have followed the story over the last few weeks and it totally does make you hug your kids tighter. My heart goes out to her. It sounds like she has such a huge support group between her family and friends. That will help her to be able to just simply go on. Anyone that is a Mom can't help to be empathetic for her. I cried and I don't even know her. I will continue to keep their family in my prayers. I am glad Joey is not in any pain anymore. I am going to e-mail you about getting together with you this week. Your trip sounds like so much fun and relaxing. I bet you are so excited to have some alone time with your hubby!

Maggie Holmes said...

congrats on the contest!!

Anonymous said...

The snake story made me laugh, I can just see you out there. Of course I would have done the same thing, I hate snakes!! Good thing it wasn't with in reach, you just never know if it was poisious or not.

Congrats on the contest!! Never a surprise in my eyes!!

Have fun in California, you guys deserve a get away together! Too fun!!!

Very sad about Joey! Those kinds of stories always tug away at my heart, being in healthcare, I hear many.

Anonymous said...

i would freak if i saw a snake in my yard! the closet thing we get to wild life over here is lizards. lol!
huge congrats on the SR contest! isn't that your second win lately? loving their new papers too ... can't wait to see what you do with them!
wish i was closer to napa ... i'd love to actually meet up in real life. actually i don't think i'm that far ... i'm so bad with directions i have no idea where i am! lol!