just popping in to say hi. it's a beautiful day here so i'll make this short. my car needs washing, the garage needs a sweeping, my car needs to be vacuumed...possibly mow and plant some flowers in my pots! but yet i could also think of a zillion things i could get done inside as well. the list never ends!
i played around yesterday while kati took a nap. i actually finished up one layout that i submitted and then this layout of lauren on the monkey bars. i used pop dots behind the chipboard stars so my scanner didn't like that much! the picture makes the photos look really dark, but they aren't...
changing directions a bit....those of you who are scrapbookers will know who jen gallacher is.... i don't personally know jen but i wish i did... she has a 13 year old boy named joey who is dying. i'm not quite sure the history of his illness or when it all began. but he is in the hospital now and is just hanging on. i guess they brought him in the other night to find out his kidneys are now failing. jen posted a thread on 2 peas the other night that brought me to tears and i haven't stopped thinking about them. i can't imagine watching my child dye and having an ounce of strength in me to keep it together. i'm sure she is falling apart inside but trying to keep herself composed for the sake of joey and his siblings. it just breaks my heart to even think about what their going through. she had talked about "letting go" and joey finding peace and comfort.... ah, i just can't even begin to imagine.... my heart goes out to them...go HUG your kids!
well, my "to-do" list seems pretty insignificant now.... but i guess i should get moving.... the day is a-wastin'. have a great weekend....hugs...
my heart goes out to jen too. i can't even imagine what she's going through. makes you stop and really appreciate your kids.
Cute layout! Very sad about Jen's son, it breaks my heart to hear stories like this.
I love the stars on the layout! I have that paper...I love how you used it. :)
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