Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday already....

hope everyone had a nice weekend. we had an extra day as lauren had friday off for teachers meetings. i took lauren to the doctor on friday. she has been getting headaches...we've been keeping track of when and how many but it really just varies. so we thought i should just take her in to make sure it wasn't anything major. the doctor was having lauren do all kinds of different things...after he was done he reassured me that it wasn't a tumor. thank goodness! but we do have to have her eyes checked now and if they're ok then it's probably just from being overly tired.

we went to a neighbors yesterday for a craw fish boil....hmmm, that was interesting. i had never eaten craw fish before so i wasn't quite sure what to expect....they actually tasted pretty good...similar to shrimp. but man, i could do without having to rip those little suckers apart....i'll spare the details... it's a lot of work to end up with this little piece of meet. but we had a great time!

i'm done with my MM Idol project.....tomorrow is voting day! our challenge was to create something using JUST THE BASICS!!! paper, ribbon, buttons, brads, eyelets, stickers or rub ons.... oh and photos.... so i did just that.... it was actually a difficult i really wanted to alter something (which they did tell us we could do after i had this other idea in my head, but we could only use the basics to embellish it) so i stuck with my original plan....i just hope it's unique and creative enough to get me to the next round.... i'm anxious to see what everyone else created... so if you get a chance...make sure to go vote!
i'll share photos of my project tomorrow....

oh, funny story....i was taking lauren to gymnastics on thursday last week....when i saw a cop coming towards us in the other lane about a mile away....then i notice the car he is trying to catch up to.... this guy must have been just filling up his tank with he had left the station with the nozzle and hose sticking out of his gas tank!!! unless he was stealing the gas, how on earth do you drive away, pulling the hose from the gas pump with you and NOT notice....hello? lauren and i laughed! but she just couldn't figure out why this man would want the hose.....ya, i couldn't figure that one out either! too funny!
how do you explain that one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a full weekend!
I once had crawfish quesadillas in Washington...they were yummy.

Well wishes for your daughter and to you in the next MM round! It was a difficult one....