Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday =Voting Day @ MM Idol

round #2 voting starts today and goes through tuesday @ 4:00. i'm anxious to see what everyone else created! i'll post pictures of what lauren and i created after the contest gets going today. i hope MM describes to the general public what it is exactly that we had to do. lauren was pretty excited to be able to help me create our projects. she usually doesn't get to monkey around with my stuff.
had a nice weekend. we spent most of yesterday at the zoo with the girls. it was a perfect day for the zoo. we usually go when it's 98 degrees outside and it's just miserable. i made the mistake of putting chapstick on my lips every 20 minutes.... the chapstick didn't have an took me a while to figure out why my lips felt like they were on fire! dah, they got sun burned! we ordered pizza for supper which just added fuel the burn....geez! i won't make that mistake again.
anyway, i'll return in a bit with some photos of our projects..... have a good day.
there is also a link off to the right for the contest if you did not save the site on your computer....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am totally loving your project this week! I just know you'll be one going on next week as well! I want instructions for that project so I can spend some fun time creating with my twins they would love this.