hi....man, it's friday already. but the good news is i'm done with my MM Idol project! now i can relax and enjoy the weekend stress free until tuesday when the voting is over. their putting a fun twist to the contest....quite frankly it should have been this way a long time ago.... our projects will NOT have our names on them. the public will be voting on the projects themselves vs. who you know or who knows you.....i'm assuming our family and friends will recognize the people in the photos but the general public more than likely won't know. so it's cool.... oh, one more thing... we can't post our projects on our blogs or on any other site until after the voting is complete on tuesday....
nothing big planned for the weekend. maybe a little bbq'n but nothing major.
hope everyone has a nice weekend....later...
Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
WOW!!! i did it! i made it into the top 10!!! HUGE THANK YOU to all who may have voted for me!!!!!! we're getting down to the wire....only 10 of us left...the next cut is 5! yikes! i have to say this has probably been one of the funnest contests i have entered.... the other girls have been so nice and so supportive....it's been difficult to see some of them go each week.....
so we have our next challenge and my wheels have been spinning already! but i'll have to put in on the back burner for today....as it's my hubby's b-day!!!! he's coming home from san fransisco late this afternoon so the girls and i will want to spend some time with him celebrating his day!
so we have our next challenge and my wheels have been spinning already! but i'll have to put in on the back burner for today....as it's my hubby's b-day!!!! he's coming home from san fransisco late this afternoon so the girls and i will want to spend some time with him celebrating his day!
Monday, March 26, 2007
My Challenge #4....of MM Idol

good morning....here is my project for the 4th challenge.... a little luncheon with the girls! i just may have to follow through with my party planning and have the girls over! if you get a chance head to the MM Idol blog and vote.... lots of neat party ideas....
had a nice weekend. the weather was beautiful! i took the girls to the doodlebops yesterday. the show was pretty cute! they had a good time.
i posted instructions for the dress in an earlier post. hopefully their clear enough for everyone to understand. if not, please don't hesitate to e-mail....
Friday, March 23, 2007

hi....been busy trying to finish up my next assignment! i'm almost done...

i have some down time right now so i thought i'd try to type up some instructions for those of you who wanted them.... i'll start with the dress....
supplies: Basic Grey paper, Bazzill cardstock, Provo Craft eyelets, misc. ribbon from craft stores and buttons. a letter sticker, paper punch and scalloped scissors.
*i used 2 sheets of 12x12 paper...one being the pattern paper, the next the white cardstock. i marked off 1" sections. i then scored a line at each 1" mark. then fold your paper in an accordion ...back and forth.
*the pink paper is 9" l and 5" w. to create the scallops i traced a small ribbon spool and used my x-acto knife to cut the scallops. and then used a small hole punch for the holes.
* the white scalloped cardstock underneath the pink is only 7" l and about 2" wide....i created the scallops the same way as i did the pink paper and i added the eyelets. i adhered the white scalloped paper to the pink but tucking it underneath
*i have the pink paper folded over 1" on each side, so it wraps around the pattern paper. but make sure the fold is at an angel....so the dress will have that (A) shape. does that make sense?....see the picture above.
*to give the dress the curve it needed i used a piece of ribbon, tied a knot in one end, put that through the dress (picture above) and then pulled it through to the other side. pull it just a bit so the dress will bend. once you have where you want it tie another knot in that end. i know, it looks pretty "jimmy rigged" but it works....you can't see the back anyway....
*i just used adhesive for the ribbon straps but you could punch a small hole and string the ribbon through and then cover it up with the button. or if you felt really ambitious you could sew the straps and buttons on....even add stitching around the dress etc....
*the circle that has the letter "L" in it is just cut with my scalloped scissors.
* i added the white cardstock to the back of the dress at the end...just makes it more sturdy and looks like a little slip sticking out of the bottom. :)
* you could also add large scallops at the bottom of the dress...make pockets...the possibilities are endless.....
*the hanger i made using some craft wire....
if there is something i may not have been clear about or you need further instructions feel free to e-mail me or leave a comment.....
i'll post the belt instructions when i have more time.....
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
YAHOO...I did it!
THANK YOU* THANK YOU* THANK YOU!!! for all who may have voted for me! i'm so excited to be moving on.... our next challenge is to create 3 things in a party theme!
thanks for the nice comments and e-mails as well! i still have to post instructions on my belt and i will also post instructions on how to make the dress as well....i'll do that in a separate post w/ in the next few days....i'll have to take some photos of the back of the dress to give you a better idea of what i'm talking about when i give you the instructions....so check back soon and hopefully i'll have those up for you...
i just got home from a day of pampering! had my roots touched up, had a pedicure and a manicure (not sure why i had a manicure, i don't have much for nails...but my hubby gave me a gift cert. at x-mas, wishful thinking on his part i guess ha ha ) oh, and i had a cup of coffee all by myself at a cute coffee shop! i almost didn't know what to do with myself.
thanks again....your support means so much! hugs!!! kori
thanks for the nice comments and e-mails as well! i still have to post instructions on my belt and i will also post instructions on how to make the dress as well....i'll do that in a separate post w/ in the next few days....i'll have to take some photos of the back of the dress to give you a better idea of what i'm talking about when i give you the instructions....so check back soon and hopefully i'll have those up for you...
i just got home from a day of pampering! had my roots touched up, had a pedicure and a manicure (not sure why i had a manicure, i don't have much for nails...but my hubby gave me a gift cert. at x-mas, wishful thinking on his part i guess ha ha ) oh, and i had a cup of coffee all by myself at a cute coffee shop! i almost didn't know what to do with myself.
thanks again....your support means so much! hugs!!! kori
Monday, March 19, 2007
MM Idol #3....

well, here is what i came up with using just the basics!!! i used a 12x12 piece of pattern paper for the base of the dress....so it measures about 8" w x 12" l.
lauren was pretty excited that i made something for her room. she said whenever i make something it's always for kati's room. ha she's probably right.
so, hope you get a chance to vote..... i haven't checked out the other creations yet but i'm sure there will be some awesome projects/layouts.....
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Sunday already....
hope everyone had a nice weekend. we had an extra day as lauren had friday off for teachers meetings. i took lauren to the doctor on friday. she has been getting headaches...we've been keeping track of when and how many but it really just varies. so we thought i should just take her in to make sure it wasn't anything major. the doctor was having lauren do all kinds of different things...after he was done he reassured me that it wasn't a tumor. thank goodness! but we do have to have her eyes checked now and if they're ok then it's probably just from being overly tired.
we went to a neighbors yesterday for a craw fish boil....hmmm, that was interesting. i had never eaten craw fish before so i wasn't quite sure what to expect....they actually tasted pretty good...similar to shrimp. but man, i could do without having to rip those little suckers apart....i'll spare the details... it's a lot of work to end up with this little piece of meet. but we had a great time!
i'm done with my MM Idol project.....tomorrow is voting day! our challenge was to create something using JUST THE BASICS!!! paper, ribbon, buttons, brads, eyelets, stickers or rub ons.... oh and photos.... so i did just that.... it was actually a difficult challenge...as i really wanted to alter something (which they did tell us we could do after i had this other idea in my head, but we could only use the basics to embellish it) so i stuck with my original plan....i just hope it's unique and creative enough to get me to the next round.... i'm anxious to see what everyone else created... so if you get a chance...make sure to go vote!
i'll share photos of my project tomorrow....
oh, funny story....i was taking lauren to gymnastics on thursday last week....when i saw a cop coming towards us in the other lane about a mile away....then i notice the car he is trying to catch up to.... this guy must have been just filling up his tank with gas....as he had left the station with the nozzle and hose sticking out of his gas tank!!! unless he was stealing the gas, how on earth do you drive away, pulling the hose from the gas pump with you and NOT notice....hello? lauren and i laughed! but she just couldn't figure out why this man would want the hose.....ya, i couldn't figure that one out either! too funny!
how do you explain that one?
we went to a neighbors yesterday for a craw fish boil....hmmm, that was interesting. i had never eaten craw fish before so i wasn't quite sure what to expect....they actually tasted pretty good...similar to shrimp. but man, i could do without having to rip those little suckers apart....i'll spare the details... it's a lot of work to end up with this little piece of meet. but we had a great time!
i'm done with my MM Idol project.....tomorrow is voting day! our challenge was to create something using JUST THE BASICS!!! paper, ribbon, buttons, brads, eyelets, stickers or rub ons.... oh and photos.... so i did just that.... it was actually a difficult challenge...as i really wanted to alter something (which they did tell us we could do after i had this other idea in my head, but we could only use the basics to embellish it) so i stuck with my original plan....i just hope it's unique and creative enough to get me to the next round.... i'm anxious to see what everyone else created... so if you get a chance...make sure to go vote!
i'll share photos of my project tomorrow....
oh, funny story....i was taking lauren to gymnastics on thursday last week....when i saw a cop coming towards us in the other lane about a mile away....then i notice the car he is trying to catch up to.... this guy must have been just filling up his tank with gas....as he had left the station with the nozzle and hose sticking out of his gas tank!!! unless he was stealing the gas, how on earth do you drive away, pulling the hose from the gas pump with you and NOT notice....hello? lauren and i laughed! but she just couldn't figure out why this man would want the hose.....ya, i couldn't figure that one out either! too funny!
how do you explain that one?
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Top 25!
THANKS to all who may have voted for lauren and i! i've made the top 25... i told lauren, "we did it, we made it to the top 25!" and she says, "we did?" like she was surprised....ha ha little turkey....where's the faith? but she was pretty excited! so this means you'll have to check back next monday to see what we come up with (the 25 of us).... we're all a little confused right now about our new challenge so we're waiting for some clarification.
i finally went through 10 bags of clothing that was left over from our garage sale last summer.... i know, but i was dreading it and just kept putting it off. that's the bad thing about having an unfinished basement. you can put things down there and sort of "forget about them". so i sorted what needs to go to good will and some really nice things that i thought i'd take to once upon a child. i brought 8 bags of kids clothes to good will yesterday. man, that feels good. it's just been one of those things that has been hanging over my head and i'm relieved to have it done.
the weather has been so nice it's been hard to be inside....70's and sunny. perfect! but they say by friday we're supposed to have snow flurries. what? never fails.... well, i smell the coffee brewing....and i have priorities. ha ha
oh, i'll be back soon to give you instructions on how to make the belt. i've received several e-mails from people wanting to know how to make it....
thanks again for the votes!!!
i finally went through 10 bags of clothing that was left over from our garage sale last summer.... i know, but i was dreading it and just kept putting it off. that's the bad thing about having an unfinished basement. you can put things down there and sort of "forget about them". so i sorted what needs to go to good will and some really nice things that i thought i'd take to once upon a child. i brought 8 bags of kids clothes to good will yesterday. man, that feels good. it's just been one of those things that has been hanging over my head and i'm relieved to have it done.
the weather has been so nice it's been hard to be inside....70's and sunny. perfect! but they say by friday we're supposed to have snow flurries. what? never fails.... well, i smell the coffee brewing....and i have priorities. ha ha
oh, i'll be back soon to give you instructions on how to make the belt. i've received several e-mails from people wanting to know how to make it....
thanks again for the votes!!!
Monday, March 12, 2007
My MM Idol #2 challenge....

well, apparently the MM Idol site is being overloaded with voters so the server is having problems.... so being as you can't view the projects i thought i'd post ours here. lauren is pretty proud of our belt and necklace. she punched out most of the circles and adhered them to the metal rim tags. she even punched out several holes to join the tags together but her hand started to hurt after a while. :) the flower grommets on the belt are made by MM (making memories) along with the the clip, brad, and the "M" charm on the necklace. i didn't have many of their papers at the time so most of the papers are Scenic Route. anyway...hopefully you'll be able to vote soon.
Monday =Voting Day @ MM Idol
round #2 voting starts today and goes through tuesday @ 4:00. i'm anxious to see what everyone else created! i'll post pictures of what lauren and i created after the contest gets going today. i hope MM describes to the general public what it is exactly that we had to do. lauren was pretty excited to be able to help me create our projects. she usually doesn't get to monkey around with my stuff.
had a nice weekend. we spent most of yesterday at the zoo with the girls. it was a perfect day for the zoo. we usually go when it's 98 degrees outside and it's just miserable. i made the mistake of putting chapstick on my lips every 20 minutes.... the chapstick didn't have an spf.....it took me a while to figure out why my lips felt like they were on fire! dah, they got sun burned! we ordered pizza for supper which just added fuel the burn....geez! i won't make that mistake again.
anyway, i'll return in a bit with some photos of our projects..... have a good day.
there is also a link off to the right for the contest if you did not save the site on your computer....
had a nice weekend. we spent most of yesterday at the zoo with the girls. it was a perfect day for the zoo. we usually go when it's 98 degrees outside and it's just miserable. i made the mistake of putting chapstick on my lips every 20 minutes.... the chapstick didn't have an spf.....it took me a while to figure out why my lips felt like they were on fire! dah, they got sun burned! we ordered pizza for supper which just added fuel the burn....geez! i won't make that mistake again.
anyway, i'll return in a bit with some photos of our projects..... have a good day.
there is also a link off to the right for the contest if you did not save the site on your computer....
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Top 30!

yahooo....i'm movin' on!!! pretty excited to have made it to the next round. we've been given our new challenge (which is a fun one!) and you can all vote again come monday morning! (march 12th) thank you all so much for voting (even if you didn't vote for me...ha ha) the challenges will get tougher and of course the competition is always tough!
i thought i'd share a photo of a recent project i finished for a class i will be teaching at Page Makers....it's a portfolio that holds 12x12 pages....thought it would be perfect for unfinished pages or transporting pages from a crop to home.
anyway, have lots of errands to run today. our cupboards are lookin' pretty bare! i'm tired of buying groceries. anyone else tired of buying groceries! it depletes my budget every week! groceries have gotten so expensive. i never leave the store without spending at least $100 (and that is when i am shopping for 10 items!) but then i run to walmart or target for other grocery items like cereal (that are way overly priced in a grocery store!) and then there are all of the toiletries which is another $75 at least and then one more trip to the grocery store by the end of the week. good gravy! i'm over it!
thanks again everyone......i would so love to work with Making Memories in the near future! :) maybe travel and teach :) publish a book or two....ha ha ok, so i'm day dreaming.....it's a dream job, i'm allowed.....hugs to all.....k
Monday, March 05, 2007
Voting Day AGAIN!
morning....well, here we go again! hope everything goes smoothly this morning for Making Memories...so make sure you hop over to the site and cast your vote.
Making Memories Idol contest...this round of voting goes until tuesday 4:00 pm. mst.
we had a nice weekend. although they always seem to fly by. lauren was to go to a daisy girl scout camp all day on saturday but due to
cold temps and blowing winds they cancelled it. thank god. i can't imagine being outside w/ 6 year old girls for 8 hours in those weather conditions. after an hour they would have been ready to head home! so we ended up going to lauren's indoor soccer game. the games are really fun to watch. the teams are getting to be more competitive and their skill level is really improving. some of the parents sit on the edge of their seats the entire game. it's entertaining just to watch the parents! and then on sunday i taught my class at Page Makers....the ladies are always so much fun! never a dull moment!
just a few layouts i got done over the weekend...my scanner is giving me trouble so rather than toss it across the room i chose to take photos of my layouts instead. ha the soccer practice layout is one i did a few weeks ago for the li'l davis newsletter. the dog layout is of our dog fargo who now lives with my in-laws. he's such a good dog! when we lived in alaska (he was just 2 when we moved) i taught him how to fetch our newspaper. they would leave the papers at the end of the driveway and in the middle of winter who feels like getting the paper at 7:00 am. so i'd let fargo out and tell him to "get me the paper". he'd get the paper and bring it to me. not without tossing it around a little bit but none-the-less he'd bring it back. the only downfall to this training is that he started to bring me the neighbors paper and the neighbor next to them and the neighbor next to them. ya, we'd have 6-7 newspapers on our front porch before the morning was over. so my training has paid off....my mother-in-law doesn't have to walk the 1/4 of a mile to their mail box to get their paper. i miss him....he is such a good dog.
alright....i'll leave you with that.....have a great monday.... don't forget to vote!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Got me some Scenic Route lovin'
so in the midst of all of my worrying about this contest....i received some fun news yesterday....Layle from Scenic Route e-mailed me to let me know that one of my layouts was chosen in a contest they were running! i feel kind of silly though as it's one of the layouts i used in the MM Idol contest. ha so i'll get a nice little goody box full of new Scenic Route products.... they are one of my favorite manufacturers so this is pretty cool! they run a different contest every month so go check it out....(if you're a scrapbooker of course....)
it's hard to believe it's already friday. my daughter has an all day daisy camp to go to tomorrow. then on sunday i'm teaching a class at a local store (Page Makers). so it'll be a busy weekend which is probably a good thing.... have to run and play with kati....have a good one!
it's hard to believe it's already friday. my daughter has an all day daisy camp to go to tomorrow. then on sunday i'm teaching a class at a local store (Page Makers). so it'll be a busy weekend which is probably a good thing.... have to run and play with kati....have a good one!
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