geez....could it get any hotter? with the heat index yesterday it reached 110. but we were fortunate to spend the day swimming! a neighbor invited us to swim in her in-laws pool. what a sweet set up that was!!! makes me want a pool! here are a few fun photos... thank goodness this weekend calls for cooler temps!
not much else going on...my neice has been here for 2 weeks now. she's been such a treat to have around. she keeps lauren and kati busy...but i do have to admit having another "kid" in the house adds to the grocery bill, house cleaning duties and laundry! wow! so far no signs of being home sick! (sorry kim) :)
my sister called the other night to let me know they had brought my grandma into the ER. she is 93 years old and still lives on her own on in the farmhouse she has known her entire adult life. she is still pretty active (as active as a 93 year old person can be) and she is still very sharp in the mind. she walked out to her ditch to throw away some food scraps (she didn't want them stinking up the house) away. apparently her knee gave out on her and she slipped and fell. she layed by the ditch for 5 hours before someone drove by and saw her. thank god the temps had cooled off a bit but i guess her legs did get a little sun burned. they called 911 and the ambulance took her in. she had broken a hip. she had surgery that night and i guess the dr. said she did very well and the break was a "good" break! i'm trying to stay optimistic but you always hear that once an elderly person breaks a hip "it isn't good".....i have been kicking myself ever since i got this news that we didn't visit her while we were back in minnesota last month....in fact i'm down-right mad at myself for not taking the time to go see her. we get caught up in everything else and having to go here and there....a lesson well learned!
the house is starting to buzz so i guess i should wrap this up for now....have a good weekend...visit loved ones or pick up the phone! hugs...
Cute pictures, sure looks like a lot of fun! It looks like the two littler girls were into doing belly flops, ha ha. The temps have cooled down a little, its been cooling off at night really nice. I'm glad Sydney is being a big help, and I am sure she is totally loving it also! I'll call again this weekend to chat. See you guys soon!
Love your pictures!
We've been having (and still are) extremely hot weather here too! I guess I really shouldn't complain either 'cause winter will be here before we know it and it lasts forever here. However, this is just a little too hot. I don't like sweat dripping from me when all I'm doing is sitting! LOL!
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