finally getting around to creating a layout just for the fun of it! i got my mits on the new urban windows collection from we r memory keepers (thanks again kristy!) and i can't tell you enough how much i LOVE these papers! the patterns and the colors are so me! burnt orange, browns and kiwi green....yum-o! i used it sparingly on this layout...i've got to make it last you know.
anyway....not much else going on here. terry has been out of town all week and returns saturday. after about day 4 i am so ready for him to come home. the girls are very good, in general....but when it comes time to come in at night or to take a bath etc....look out. grandma got an earful on the phone last night. they weren't happy with me. i think most of it is because their so stinkin' tired they tend to get ugly and grouchy!
not much of a post but like i said...not much going on here. maybe i'll have another layout to share later on...oh, one more thing....dee, if you're reading this THANKS again for the generous box of goodies!!! so fun! have a good wk. end!