not much is new....oh wait, we have a new addition to our home! fargo is back!

he looks so little in this picture but he's actually alittle over 90 lbs.
i had some requests for house pictures so here are a few of those. i haven't taken any indoors yet. i still feel like it's unfinished and still so many things i want to you'll have to stay tuned for those.

a few friends that hang around. could do without the snake!

found a few raspberry sprigs amongst the flowers. they were yummy!

kati's first day back at gymnastics. i really like her coach. she takes class serious and it's not just play time for the girls. kati has really improved in just the 2 classes. i think she will start taking 2 classes a week or taking a dance class of some sort... rather than playing soccer. she isn't that interested in playing.

lauren's first game! she started practice earlier this week and her first game was today.

so that's it for now. need to get some things done around here! enjoy your weekend!
Awesome pictures! So do you see the snakes a lot? The deer is really cool, but I agree could do without the snakes. Has Fargo brought you one yet? Ha ha, I'm sure he will, be prepared! Kenai caught and ATE a squirel last week! I couldn't beleive it. Both the girls are starting to look so grown up! Miss ya Kim
Soccer Superstar in the making :) I love seeing the pics. Miss all of you guys.
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