kati started preschool on tuesday. the first day was great. i guess there were a few times that she wanted me or wanted to go home but she made it through the day and had fun. friday was a different story. we watched lauren get on the bus and that alone was enough to bring kati to tears. she wanted her sister! so i thought being as she was going to school that day as well she would be ok. well, she told me she didn't want to go to school. so we get there and she was fine, she had actually changed her mind.....up until it was time for me to leave. she got a little teary eyed which of course brought tears to my eyes....but the teachers got her involved in a craft with a few other kids and she was fine. she has made a few little friends already. when we were in the parking lot on friday she was saying bye to samuel....when we got into the car she said, "i love samuel."
oh brother!
lauren is doing great in school! so far we've received nothing but good reports from her teacher! she also started brownie scouts this week, which she is so excited about. lauren is such a social butterfly, she loves being with friends. so this is right up her alley! she was in daisy scouts last year but there were so many she didn't really know. she hasn't had soccer all week due to rain. so that has actually been a nice break. but we still had gymnastics on thursdays and have a few make up days next week. so we'll be on the go again next week.
as for terry....he took his gmat test the other day. the test to get his MBA. apparently the 2 degrees he currently has aren't enough for him! :) he passed the test (of course) and will start the program soon.
as for me....i continue to work out 4-5 times a week. i really enjoy going to the gym. kati loves it too. she has made several little friends in the play area and the people who work there get a bang out of her. unfortunately, i didn't make it back onto the creative xpress design team this year. i was sad at first but realized it's probably for the best. i just wasn't able to be as active in the online community as i should have been. my priorities have just changed and my heart wasn't really in it anymore. i loved creating the 2 projects every month but even that was getting to be a bother. so anyway....that chapter is closed maybe another one will open....
i had better run but here are a few of my favorite photos from the photo shoot i did a few weeks back.....

love the piggies!
we're off to a 40th surprise party tonight! looking forward to a night out! have a great wk. end!
Hi Kori!
Congrats on your pre-schooler!
I'll miss working with you much! You are so totally talented.
Ah, Kori
I'm going to miss you tons!
Sounds like you've had a crazy week like me!
Good for you for sticking to the gym! WTG!
Love ya,
love the photos kori! especially the piggies ... love little girly piggies! sorry to hear you're not continuing with creative xpress. but i hear you on priorities changing ... sometimes it just gets to be too time consuming for what you get out of it. glad to hear the girls are doing good in school ... and "yay" for you for keeping up at the gym.
Love the pictures! I hope I get a copy of the one of Kati. That is so cute of her! The two others are also very cute, I bet it was fun taking those. She looks like a cutie. Chat with you soon.
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