Wednesday, September 19, 2007

9 Years Today!

today we have been married 9 years! we actually started dating when we were 18 and 19 so we've been together for almost 19 years. i'm not sure how those years went by so fast but it doesn't seem possible. happy anniversary sweatheart!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you!
May you have many many more. Cherish what you have, and always tell the other how much they mean to you......Terry you need to do this! Mom says!

jennihaywood said...

Congratulations Kori! Are you going to go to a fancy place for dinner? There is a place in Creve Coeur that I loved when I live there. It is called Paul Mannos. Yummy Yummy Italian food. All of the waiters are men dressed in black suites and the Italian Grandmothers cook authentic Italian food in the back Kitchen. All of the food is imported from Italy so everything is mag-na-fis-ti-co`! It is pricy but you only have one accniversary a year. I hope this next year is your happiest yet!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary kori!!! hope you 2 have a special day!