Thursday, June 15, 2006

a New Day...

well, only 2 projects to go! whooo! and i'm almost done with the one. i just realized i have this process i have to go through...and i think it's one i need to use when i muster my way through just about anything.
*i think about it
*i tinker with it
*i walk away
*i go back
*i think about it some more
*i look for inspiration
*i go back....and it hits me! so relieved!
aside from projects we've been busy with swimming lessons and gymnastics. i'm a little disappointed with the gymnastics class. it's a very introductory class, which is fine. it's been 2 years since lauren has been in a tumbling class so i thought this would be good for her to refresh and relearn the basics. well, the teacher (bless her heart) is all of 16, has an audience of parents staring at her and has a class of uncontrollable kids. well, just 2 boys! OMG these 2 boys were out of control. the parents were pretty embarrassed but it's hard for me to think lauren will get much out of it when there is so many distractions. hopefully she will and we can move on to the Gym's a facility that teaches only gymnastics.
so i was having a difficult time thinking of something for terry for fathers day...well, i know of several things he wants but my little ol' budget just isn't enough for me to provide him with these nice he's been talking about golfing again so i talked to a neighbor and asked him if he knew of a nice golf course where i could purchase a couple of rounds for terry for fathers day. so i order these over the phone and they send them in the mail. SO...guess what....even tho' this envelope had MY name on it....terry thought it was some sort of advertising thing or something so he OPENED it! putz! and here i was all pumped cuz i thought of a nice/fun gift. note to self: do not order things over the phone and have them mailed to the house if i want it to remain a secret!
well, i was reading another blog and came across this little "questioners" so i thought i would play along....kind of fun...

I AM: blessed
I WANT: good health and happiness for family and friends.
I HAVE: a partner who makes me laugh, drives me crazy, loves me, and fits perfectly into the life I once dreamed about.... & "i have" a secret!
I WISH: upon stars & that kati was potty trained :)
I HATE: unfriendly people.
I MISS: my family, old friends, my dog, & seeing mountains out my window
I HEAR: kati rootin' around in bed
I WONDER: what my children will be when they grow up
I REGRET: not going to college
I AM NOT: selfish
I DANCE: with my clothes on
I SING: alone. You don't want to hear what it sounds like.
I CRY: when i see puppies
I AM NOT ALWAYS: patient
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: art & sometimes a meal
I WRITE: without capital letters (type)
I CONFUSE: our 3 neighbor triplets
I NEED: to work out more; save $ more; relax a little more; call Mom & Dad more.
I SHOULD: tell my husband i appreciate him more often!
I START: new projects...and it often times takes me a while to finish them.
I FINISH: my dinner plate


Anonymous said...

oh, Terry what a Putz! There went that surprise. Oh well you tried. I'm not too sure what the kids will get Bob yet. Have to run tonigh to get Father's Day gifts. Glad to hear your creative juices are flowing again! I wasn't too worried, ha ha. I hope I get to see all these projects you are working on when we come down in August.

Unknown said...

Love that little questionnaire thing. ANd your answers - well,... we are very much alike!

Looking forward to seeing your projects! ;)

Anonymous said...

So whats the secret?

Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.