Saturday, June 10, 2006

NeEd a SwiFt KiCk!

ha, i remember my mom always saying that! but i'm feeling like i need a big ol' kick in the pants right about now....feeling like i'm in a rut! i've never posted a negative or "woe is me" entry so i'm certainly not about to do so today but just maybe needing to get it off my chest so i can move on. not sure what i need that will do the trick....i have 6 assignments due in a few weeks and i'm outa juices! terry is out of town for a few more days and this is the time i usually crank out my projects. i don't worry much about big meals, laundry etc...(i do keep my house picked up and clean of course :) so now is the perfect time for me to be working and creating....somebody help me! maybe it's because for the past 2 days i've switched from diet coke to earl gray iced tea. maybe it's the lack of caffeine! i even had a night away from the house without the girls last night. we have a neighborhood bunco group...always so much fun. we really have some great neighbors and have made so many good friends. i even hired a new babysitter who lives just up the road and the girls loved her! lauren had her last day of bible school yesterday so kati and i hung out at barnes and noble for a little while. i can usually count on that for some mojo...i picked up the new premier issue of junk market style! i love sue and ki! besides sarah richardson (design inc./room service) and laurie smith (trading spaces) they are my favorites! i really wish i knew where some flea markets were around here. when we lived in ak i had several markets i liked to frequent! maybe that's what i need... a gander through a junk market! ONLY bad thing is i still have yet to meet someone who loves it as much as i alaska i could always count on michelle to see the potential in a rusty garden rake or a run down beat up cupboard! ha ha missing my alaska friends! well, i think i'll fill up the iced tea glass, thumb through my junk mag. and pray for a little inspiration! have a super weekend! i'll share if i come up with anything grand.....cheers!


Tracey Lee said...

Oh Kori! I hear ya m'freind! When I find that little mojo fairy, I'll be sure to send her on along to you.

You always do such amazing work, so take a deep breath and enjoy the process!

Anonymous said...

Ok, anyone kicked you yet? ha ha Of course you can always count on me to do that! If you are needing the diet coke, give in and have some! I have all the faith in you that you will muster up some creativity! You always do!! Not long now and you guys will be heading back this way for a little bit!! Yahoo!!! Sydney is very excited and to go back with you and counting the days!

Anonymous said...

how's that creativity coming? still need a kick? lol
I know you can do it girl!

Unknown said...

I'm sure your mojo won't be gone for long. Like everyone has said already - you do amazing work and I KNOW that you'll come up with some more incredible stuff!!

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested