not much else is new. we're getting ready to head home for the holidays. looking forward to that! we have a girl watching our house and kitty for us, so i feel ok about leaving. we're almost done buying gifts. just have a few left for our girls.
anyway, i had better finish my cookies and get kati out of the tub. she wasn't feeling well last night, ended up getting sick on my living room carpet! oh, i can't wait for the day that she can actually hit the inside of the bucket! so i spent the rest of the evening cleaning my carpet and cleaning up my messy kitchen from trying to bake cookies. fun times! (and yes, i stopped baking cookies after this event took place and i washed my hands. ha ha)

awesome job on these kori! great coloring and composition! i love that playhouse! and the one with the umbrella is my favorite!
hope kati is feeling better! and yes, it is nice when they can at least get it in the right spot rather than whereever they happen to be standing! lol!
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OMGOSH THESE ARE SOOOO CUTEEE look at that play house would you!!!! Bella has a cute one hers is pink with CROWN MOLDING can you BELIEVE THAT!! MY HOUSE only has crown I one room BUT MY CHILD has it all through out her playhouse.. GO FIGURE hahahahaa Your pictures rock!!
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