so i figured i should probably submit a post as it's already been 8 days since the last post. the days just go by too fast! let's is going great for lauren, she really loves it. next week on tues and fridays she'll start riding the bus...which is such a huge deal! she is so excited to ride the bus. funny how i know that will change in a few years! kati will start preschool 2 days a week, which are tuesdays and fridays. she'll go from 9am until 3. seems like a long day for a little girl but she too is very excited and can't wait to go to school. i took her to her open house earlier this week, we met with her 2 teachers and met a few other kids. one of which lives in our neighborhood so that will be fun for the two of them. i've already been trying to prepare myself for that know the big drop off! i know it isn't kindergarten but i know i'm going to feel a sense of loss with out my little kati at home. so now the big question from everyone is...."what are you going to do with yourself for 6 hours, 2 days a week?" other stay at home moms are all excited for me and know that that time will be used to benefit everyone! but those who work outside of the home are a bit bitter! i'm not sure what they think i'll be doing but i'm pretty sure my ass won't be plopped on the couch watching soaps, smokin' and drinking diet cokes and poppin bon-bons! so rest free 12 hours a week will be filled with plenty of things to do. (can you tell i'm tired of defending my title as a stay at home mom!!!!!)
so what else....finished up an assignment for creative xpress....i had to create 2 cards and a are the cards....

lets see what else....oh, our weekend trip to the bed and breakfast and the wineries. wow! very fun. the bed and breakfast was so nice....i think when we go into something blind folded we tend to think the worst. but this place was so cute! it was an old home that had been converted into a b&b years ago but of course had been run down. the new owners had to do some work to get it up and running again. the 3 sleeping units were all separate with our own bathrooms! our room was upstairs with a little kitchen, sitting area w/a stone fireplace, bathroom and separate bedroom. it was all decorated in early american decor. the rustic look with plaids/florals.....some of the interior walls were still the old stone, big fat original wood floor planks and the breakfast was amazing! it would have been better had terry and i been feeling a better! i was at least able to get most of my food down, poor terry just sat and picked at his food! ha ha we drank way too much! way too much! we probably would have been fine until we ended up at a little bar and connie (my friend/neighbor) who was once a bartender started telling the bartender how to make some sort of shot w/ like 6-7 different liquors in it! hello! thank god i only had 2! of course at the time none of us knew just how much liquor was in that shot! but we had a great time and hopefully will do it again next year. i would love for terry and i to go back in the fall and stay a night...the girls might even think it's pretty cool

i hear the girls waking up so i had better close up....have a good wk. end...