Friday, July 06, 2007

I'm Here....

i'm such a bad blogger. or maybe i'm just too busy? busy doing what, i don't know? the days just seem to fly by. it's hard to believe summer is 1/2 over!

anyway, my august issue of CK arrived in the mail yesterday. so excited to see this little number in it....the article is about using shapes. i love the pictures of the girls. that was my first time being published in CK... i just noticed something though. if you look at my layout here and compare it to the one in the magazine my paper buttons are moved. huh? wonder if they fell off or someone thought they looked better w/ only 2 and in the center vs. off to the side. i'm all about balance and for some reason the one in the mag. looks goofy now. oh well. i guess no one would have noticed had i not said something. :)
hope everyone had a nice 4th of july. we spent the evening at a neighbors eating and shooting off fireworks, oh and sweating! geez, the humidity was terrible.
work outs are going good. it's been almost 3 weeks since i started. i wish my energy level would increase. ha! but otherwise i'm feeling good. workouts are getting easier and i'm not sore all of the time. so that's a good sign. my clothes are fitting better or i should say more loose. which is a good thing but may result in the need of a new wardrobe! (or at least that is my goal) and yes, i made sure to let my dear hubby know this also! ha ha
need to run...have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Cute layout! I just love the one picture of Kati. Her signature wrinkled nose, too cute! You will have to bring the magazine home with you so I can see it. Not long now! We are all looking forward to you guys coming, especially Syd. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

how strange that they moved your paper buttons. lol! i would go look at it in the magazine ... but i tore it out and stuck it in the envelope i just mailed to you (in case you wanted an extra one).

see now ... that's an excuse for me not to start working out or losing weight. i can't afford a whole new wardrobe. lol!

*Beatriz Jennings* said...

beautiful LO!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I could hardly wait for the mailman to deliver my magazine....and when it came it was exciting to see your layout in print. You can bet that will go to Great G & G's to be showed off.
Just a little over a week and we will see all of you, and the girls can check out Grandma's new camper.
Loved the layout Kori and hoping to see you published alot more.

Unknown said...

Love the layout! Congrats on the pub in CK!!!

WTG, with the exercising too. I've been trying to keep at my routine too and just this morning mentioned to my hubby that my clothes were fitting a little different too. ;) It's a great feeling ... although I still have a ways to go 'til I feel really good!

jennihaywood said...

Hi Kori!!
I love this layout, such a cute picture of your darling girls. I am going to have to go look at your layout in the magazine. I don't think anyone will notice. Usually everything should be done in 3's or an odd number like you have done it here. I wouldn't worry about it,,,how exciting for you to be published in CK!!! congrats! I feel so badly that we never met. Life just got so crazy with us having to move so quickly. I am so glad that you have a blog and I can keep in touch with you this way. Have a great weekend