hi!...well, we survived the ice storm. we actually didn't get hit nearly as hard as most of the area....we never lost power and being as our development is newer all off the trees (in our yards) are still pretty small. so we didn't have to deal with any clean up. some people are still without power. i can't even imagine. i freak out when the power goes out for 15 min. let alone when it's 20 degrees and for 4-5 days! here are a few photos from our yard. the trees looked so neat... almost like coral.
i slipped in a little scrappin' time the other day...i used jenni bowlin's jan. kit for the layout. lots of fun vintage stuff.
i am proud to announce i am still doing well with my new years resolution (or "plan" as my sister likes to call it!) still working out every day. not every day is a "hard" workout of course. but i jump on the tredmill for at least 30 min. and use the bowflex and do a few other odds & end type things.... i'm still eating healthy but still drinking diet coke. that was never part of the plan so i'm not giving it up, at least not yet. ha ha i refuse to step on the scale and it's bad enough that my clothes aren't fitting any better. i know it's only been 2 weeks (now on 3) but i want that instant gratification....and so disappointed in myself when it's not there. but i have to keep reminding myself that it isn't going to happen over night and by the end of the first month i should start to see some results. or at least i would flippin' hope so!
ok, well it's story time before bed so i have to run....night...
oooh, that does look cold!! i'm melting in the 100degF heat now. great layout. well done on keeping your resolution.
Good morning Kori. Love the ice pictures you took. Oh and the layout with Lauren's picture is so cool. It is an icebox here......today it seems warmer but the wind takes care of that thought. Working on something to come in the mail to the girls from "Fargo" so hope to have that in the mail by the weekend.
Stay warm and avoid the ice. Keep your resolution...doing the same and hoping to see a change too. mil
Love the layout, of course! I love everything you do. Very cute picture of Lauren. The ice pictures turned out really good, it seems so funny for you guys to get that kind of weather. Its been cold here now for about 1 week. I won't complain because its been so nice all winter long. After all its January! It wouldn't be ND without some windchill advisories, ha ha. Chat with you soon!
Looks like you're getting some "great" weather too huh?
Hope you're keeping safe.
WTG on the exercise thing. I'm the same as you. Still doing ok with it and hopefully that will continue.
Love that layout!
and i'm complaining about our cold weather ... i guess i can be grateful i don't have ice hanging from everything. although ... it's kindof cool looking! lol!
sounds like you're doing good with the excerise thing ... wish i could get myself motivated to work out some. but the couch and a nice warm blanket always distract me!
i guess i shouldn't complain about my cold weather ... at least i don't have ice hanging from everything. although it makes for a cool picture!
congrats on the working out. i wish i was more motivated to work out ... but my couch and nice cuddly blanket always distract me!
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