i think that's it for now....have a great week!
Oh my gosh, lauren is crackin' me up! she loves to play dress up! elton john, 80's madona and paris hilton all wrapped up into one! ha ha she told me that girls can wear more than just one earing in each ear. so she has 4! she's quite the character! one day she's body slammin' with the boys and the next day she's parading around in velvet dresses and dangling earings. it's good to be versitile! i'm all for it! well, i'm not all that keen on body slamming but at least i know she can hold her own. ha (michelle, do you recognize the dress? one of sage or maggie's hand-me-downs...she loves it!)
ok, here's the final picture of the living room with all 4 walls painted the chocolate brown. i should have closed the blinds a little but at least you get the idea....after i loaded the picture i realized i had a magazine on the ottoman and something else on the floor...you can't know how much that is bugging me. ha ha (something is out of order!) can you say OCD!!!! geez!
anyone else watch the 2 hour finale of grey's anatomy? i'm the biggest cry baby! my eyes were puffy this morning from crying so much. so glad terry is out of town. he thinks i'm crazy when i cry over tv shows. so it all started when "doc" the dog had to be put down. i love dogs so to have to watch that (ok,i know it's only tv!!!) got the tears rolling....then of course when denny died....had to see that one coming....but it was still devistating. ha ha....ok, i know there has to be someone else out there who cried....so don't be making fun of me!!! love that show....